Research & Reflection

Celebrating International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women's Day, I bring you my favourite quote by the late, great Frida Kahlo. “I wish I could do whatever I liked behind the curtain of “madness”. Then: I’d arrange flowers, all day long, I’d paint; pain, love and tenderness, I would laugh as much as I feel like at the stupidity… Continue reading Celebrating International Women’s Day

Notes · Research & Reflection

One month on – What have I learned?

Art is not about perfection or cleanliness. Art is subjective. The narrative is one of the strongest defining parts of any work. Viewers will take different perspectives on the same piece. Repeated viewings of a piece can influence viewers in different ways, dependent on their mood, life events and the atmosphere that the piece is… Continue reading One month on – What have I learned?

Research & Reflection

Visit to Temple bar, Dublin

Temple Bar in Dublin, is known as the cultural centre of the city due to its popularity with artists, writers, musicians and small independent businesses. In the mid to late 20th century, the area fell largely into ruin and 'urban decay'. It drew the attention of commercial buyers wishing to build a new bus terminal,… Continue reading Visit to Temple bar, Dublin

Research & Reflection

Interpreting Art

As I research different artists, and come across more and more examples of art in it's many forms and styles, one thing is certain. Art is subjective. Two people viewing the same piece of artwork can take away completely contradictory feelings and experiences from the same piece, even if the subject matter and narrative are… Continue reading Interpreting Art

Research & Reflection

Streetart – Dublin

Here is an example of some fab street art in Dublin, a comic portrait of a bearded businessman. The man is thinking about different things which do not appear to be linked. The work appears to be inviting the viewer to read their own narrative into it, and so to get others' opinions, I posted… Continue reading Streetart – Dublin

Exhibitions & Books

Visit to Dublin’s National Gallery

This week, we're in Dublin for my boyfriend Ian's work, which enables us to have a few days exploring and taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful city. We've been to Dublin a few times now, and I've always loved the culture and art here. It really is a multicultural and international city,… Continue reading Visit to Dublin’s National Gallery