Notes · Research & Reflection

One month on – What have I learned?

  • Art is not about perfection or cleanliness.
  • Art is subjective.
  • The narrative is one of the strongest defining parts of any work.
  • Viewers will take different perspectives on the same piece.
  • Repeated viewings of a piece can influence viewers in different ways, dependent on their mood, life events and the atmosphere that the piece is viewed in.
  • Art is often a tool for making statements and telling stories.
  • Viewing a piece of work in isolation, or alongside other works can influence how the viewer perceives it.
  • Knowing about the artist, their life and background isn’t essential but can add to a viewer’s experience.
  • There is no ‘right and wrong’ in art. Rules can be made and broken. It is the context, thought and intent that is the defining matter.


One thought on “One month on – What have I learned?

  1. It is so true, viewers have a different perspective looking at a single art. I keep saying this to my family when I am promoting and posted my brother’s painted prayers.


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